wellness program

An innovative and intense program offering occupational therapy, speech, Parkinson specific exercise and professionally facilitated support groups.


Monthly lectures with professionals, to provide accurate information to the entire Parkinson community.

Support Groups

Professionally guided support groups for people challenged with Parkinson and family members.


Watch videos of Tikvah for Parkinson’s activities. Help us fight Parkinson disease with exercise and therapy.

Vision, Mission & Values


Tikvah for Parkinson  works together with the medical community to integrate emotional support, patient education, and a full therapeutic wellness program into Parkinson treatment in Israel. 


Our mission is to provide the Parkinson community in greater Jerusalem with the physical and emotional support they need to lead a productive and healthy lifestyle, to provide education for the Parkinson community, and to raise awareness of their special needs among the general population and government bodies.

Core Values

Support, education, and advocacy.

Media about Parkinson

Watch our latest interviews with current members and read more about their individual experiences and how Tikvah has helped them battle Parknison’s disease.

Monthly lectures with professionals, to provide accurate information to the entire Parkinson community.

Article about Tikvah for Parkinson

Volunteer With Us

Become a part of the Tikvah for Parkinson community. With the support of volunteers like you, we can work together to fight Parkinson's disease every day.
call us:

If you are able to share your time and skills, please fill out the form below or call us

latest articles

Another Tikvah Evening

Last night Tikvah held its third lecture to the public. Danny Loney, an incredible person challenged with Parkinson for over EIGHTEEN years talked about how

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Continue Fighting!

Reading an article like this one strengthens my resolve to KEEP FIGHTING; keep moving and exercising and doing everything possible to stay healthy and slow

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traveles and trials post


A few weeks ago I received an email from the EPDA (European Parkinson Disease Association) inviting me to a meeting in Brussels to start a

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Hours of activities for Parkinson patients per week


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