It’s Frustrating

I’m frustrated! Yup, here are so many hurdles in starting an official not for profit organization that sometimes I feel that there’s a conspiracy to prevent it from happening. 

But we’re getting there. Tikvah is (finally) a recognized non-profit Israeli organization. 

Actually, we’ve been one for almost six weeks, but because of a clerical mistake (the clerk exchanged one of our documents with that of a different organization) we were unable to open a bank account. 

A few days before Pesach (finally!) the document fiasco was straightened up and we were able to sign a whole bunch of new documents and send them to our accountant’s lawyer to be notarized and brought to the bank. But then it was Pesach, and of course the lawyer was on vacation. And then it was afterPesach, and the bank had to review our request to open an account, but first they had to take care of all the urgent matters that had been pushed off until “after Pesach.”

Finally, just a few days ago, we succeeded in openinga bank account (TWO AND A HALF HOURS IN THE BANK!) and I thought, “Ah! This is great! NOW I can finally pay everyone and start receiving donations,” but then I discovered that now that we had an account, we had to register with the tax authorities, and of course that is not a simple, straightforward procedure! And once that’s taken care of, we need to send those documents to a third place and then….

Chad gadya, chad gadya…

I know it’s being taken care of, and I know that it WILL happen. Sooner, or later (and yes, I know that someday I’ll look back at this and laugh). Meanwhile, however, we are continuing to operate from a shoebox on my dining room table! 

And yet, despite the obstacles, Tikvah is continuing to accomplish! We’ve expanded our rehab program to two days a week. The men have gym, physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, boxing and Tai Chi. We hope to add Nordic Walking if we can find an instructor. The women have physiotherapy, speech therapy, support group, Tai Chi Paula, art therapy and choir. We’re waiting to organize another informational evening until after all the financial stuff is taken care of — I don’t like owing people money. But as soon as we have access to the donations promised to us, we plan on continuing our monthly education program. 

Meanwhile, I’m learning something very important. We can only do as much as we can do. Things take time, and they happen at the right time. 
